Friday, November 23, 2007

Puppet shows are helpful for babies to differentiate Between Good and bad characters

A graduate student Kiley Hamlin at Yale University in New Heaven, proved that babies less than one year old or 6-10 month knows helpful and unhelpful social things.

Kiley showed that babies observed creature shows and can difference between bad and good characters. Shows not directly effect on them.

After watching the show, the babies showed a choice for the character that helped one of the moppet who was trying to climb a hill, and did not show a choice for the character that misbehaving and not helpful by conflicting the progress of the climber.

Kiley said that:

"We knew that babies were socially skilled, but we weren't awake that they were so skilled that they could trace people by their behavioral addictions; how they might treat someone else."

The babies watched a puppet show where a coloured round wooden block with "googly eyes" tried to climb a steep hill with little success. There were two scenes: one where the climber puppet was helped by another "good Samaritan" puppet who gave him a friendly push up the hill, and another where an "evil" puppet shoved the climber down the hill.

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